Homeowners and renters, don’t skip one last piece of 2014 paperwork!

The preferred date for claiming a state property tax refund is Aug. 15, just about a month away.

Not every homeowner or renter will reap a refund. But it might pay to crunch a few numbers nonetheless. Check into the prospects with the Minnesota Department of Revenue’s form, called the “Homestead Credit Refund for Homeowners and Renters Property Tax Refund.”

It’s available online at www.revenue.mn.us, navigate to “For individuals” and you’ll see “Property Tax Refund.”

Minnesota Revenue really wants you to file by Aug. 15 this year, but the final deadline actually is Aug. 15, 2016.

More later about the details. Of course, check in with us at EricJohn Ltd. for personal guidance on refunds and taxes.