Statistics for 2009 Federal Income Taxes
The top 1% of all filers paid 36.7% of all federal income taxes in 2009, this is down from 38% the previous year. They also accounted for 16.95 of adjusted gross income, down from 20% the year before. The top 1% of earners income is at least $343,927. The average tax rate paid by them is 24% of their AGI the highest rate since 2003.
The highest 5% paid 58.7% of total income tax and accounted for 31.7% of all AGI. There AGI was a minimum of $154,643.
The top 10% AGI was $112,124 or more. They bore 70.5% of the total tax burden. While bring in slightly more than 43% of total AGI.
The bottom 50% of filers paid 2.25% of total federal income tax bill, mainly due to refundable tax credits. Their average tax rate was 12.5%.